
Allergic Asthma - Home Remedies

When we talk about home remedies, we talk about things that are natural. Home remedies contain no chemicals therefore are free of side effects. Many home remedies come with a disclaimer because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not do extensive research on that particular treatment or herb. However, when it comes to allergic asthma home remedies many people swear by them. Before trying any home remedy or natural treatment, it would be wise to consult a physician first.

There is no shortage of people who say home remedies for asthma work. This is because conventional medicines do not confront the problem they only mask the symptoms. Natural home remedies tend to address the problem rather than masking the symptom. Preventing the problem is by far better than just masking it. More and more people are beginning to realize this fact, which is why millions of people are now looking towards home remedies.

BioVent is a very popular natural treatment for people with asthma. It aims to prevent while controlling asthma attacks. If taken daily, BioVent is supposed to help with people who suffer with chronic asthma. It improves your respiratory functions while it helps to reduce the risk of attacks, and it strengthens your immune system.

Broncosmoothe is another natural treatment for asthma, which opens up the bronchioles and relieves your tight chest. This natural treatment will make you breathe better, and provides quick relief. It is mainly for use for asthma attacks from allergic reactions.

Another good treatment for asthma is to know what triggers it. Knowing what sets off asthma attacks could make a big difference in your life. Keep a journal and write down everything that you think may set off an asthma attack, and just stay away from these items.

Allergy Relief Options

Allergy symptoms can include sneezing, postnasal drip, runny nose or hives and allergy sufferers are always seeking ways to obtain relief from a lot of familiar symptoms. Fortunately there are various allergy relief options available for those people who suffer, or suspect that they suffer, from allergies.

The most effective way for allergy relief is by drastically reducing, or simply avoiding, any contact with the specific things that create the problems. People who suffer from mold allergies should avoid places where mildew and mold is present (basements, etc). Likewise, people who have pet allergies should significantly reduce close contact with any pets. The best approach to relief for food allergy sufferers is to totally eliminate all foodstuffs from their diets that cause allergies.

Natural remedies (also called home remedies) are good relief options that are effective, affordable and in most cases, very safe. Many households already have ingredients available for home remedies.

For example, if hives develop due to allergic reactions, oatmeal can provide relief - place oatmeal in a bowl and pour 1 cup boiling water over it, allow it to set for about 30 minutes and then strain. Let the oatmeal water cool down and then apply it to the hives with cotton or a cloth. Antihistamines occur naturally in green tea and provide effective relief of other allergy symptoms - drinking other teas helps a person to remain cool, calm and collected.

Even though there are various natural remedies to treat or manage allergy symptoms with, many sufferers rather go for over-the-counter and prescription products because it is more convenient. A doctor can prescribe allergy medications in cases where severe or extreme symptoms are present and any pharmacy can provide the prescription medication.

Other medications, like products bought over-the-counter, provide effective allergy relief options without having to obtain a prescription from a doctor - these treatments can be more affordable, particularly for people without healthcare insurance. These products are available from supermarkets, drug stores, department stores and discount stores.

Allergy relief options depend entirely on individual circumstances and a remedy or medication that works for one person may not be effective for another person - there can be irritating and painful side effects and often natural remedies are better and safer alternatives to consider. The best option remains limiting exposure to or removing the allergy source.

Food Allergies - Milk, Soy and Egg

Food allergies happen when a person's immune system believes that something he or she ate is harmful to the body. In an attempt to protect the body, the immune system produces antibodies, called immunoglobulin E (IgE), to that food. Those antibodies then cause mast cells (allergy cells in the body) to release chemicals, one of which is histamine, into the bloodstream. The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes the symptoms of the allergic reaction.

Milk Allergen

Beta-Lactoglobulin is the major whey protein in ruminants and pigs. Human infants can develop an allergenic response to cow milk proteins. Beta-Lactoglobulin is the primary antigenic component that stimulates the immune hypersensitivity response in the infant. Symptoms are similar to lactose intolerance.

Small amounts of milk protein can pass through the breast milk and may cause allergic signs and symptoms in some infants. Cow's milk allergy (CMA) affects about 2-7.5% of infants.

Curds and Whey

The two main components are whey and casein, and an individual may be allergic to either or both. The casein is the curd that forms when milk is left to sour, and the whey is the watery fraction which is left after the curd is removed.

The whey proteins are altered by high heat, and so the whey sensitive person maybe able to tolerate evaporated, boiled or sterilized milk and milk powder. Goat's milk is tolerated by only 40% of children who are allergic to cow's milk.

Allergic reactions have been described according to 3 types. Usually reactions occur due to the intake of moderate to large amounts of cow's milk.

Type 1 - Symptoms start within minutes of intake of small volumes of cow's milk. Mainly causes skin problems, eczema or urticaria (hives). May involve respiratory (runny nose, wheezy chest) or gastro-intestinal (vomiting and diarrhea) symptoms.

Type 2 - Symptoms start several hours after intake of modest volumes of cow's milk; mostly symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

Type 3 - Symptoms develop after more than 20 hours, or even days after intake of large volumes of cow's milk. Symptoms include diarrhea, with or without respiratory or skin reactions.

With a doctor's supervision, removing milk products from a child's diet can help determine if illness is caused by it. Calcium supplements or other food products can be determined by a dietician to help make up for no milk. After all, milk may be present in in foods where you least expect it.

Most children will outgrow their cow's milk allergy. 40% at age 4 and 60% at age 6. Some may acquire the allergy later in life. Food intolerance is different from a food allergy. Lactose intolerance is quite common and may cause children to feel gassy, bloated and have diarrhea.

Egg Allergen

Hen's egg is one of the more frequent causes of food hypersensitivity in infants and young children. Studies have shown that Ovomucoid is a major allergen of egg white. Ovomucoid comprises 11% of egg white protein.

It has been demonstrated that Ovomucoid and not Ovalbumin, is the dominant antigen and allergen in egg white protein in human beings. It appears to be allergenic in minute quantities and because of its hardy physical characteristics, it may remain in the body in an allergenic state for years.

These properties make Ovomucoid a suitable marker protein for the presence of egg residues ( egg white) in food products.

People who have an egg allergy may experience anaphylaxis - a severe allergic reaction that causes swelling of the mouth, throat, and airways leading to the lungs, resulting in an inability to breathe. In addition, anaphylaxis causes a dangerous drop in blood pressure, which can make someone dizzy or pass out, and may quickly lead to shock. For people who are especially sensitive to eggs, the air fumes or getting egg on the skin can cause an anaphylactic reaction, so eggs should be kept out of the home completely.

Soy Allergen

Although the incidence of allergy to soybean proteins is quite low in comparison with other major food proteins, the gradually increasing consumption of soybean products makes the identification
and characterization of major soy allergens a focus of investigation. Delayed allergic responses to soy are less dramatic, but are even more common. These are caused by antibodies known as immunoglobulins A, G or M (IgA, IgG or IgM) and occur anywhere from two hours to days after the food is eaten.

Two soy proteins have been identified as antigenic. Soy belongs to the legume family, which include navy beans, kidney beans, string beans, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas (garbanzo or chichi beans), lentils, carob, licorice and peanuts. Many people are allergic to more than one legume. If your doctor is unable to identify which soy product is causing your allergy, it is best to avoid them all.

Soy allergy is more common in infants. The average age at which the allergy manifests is 3 months but the majority of infants outgrow it by the age of two. Although adults do suffer from soy allergy, it is rare.

Symptoms of soy allergy are many and may include:

-Acne and other skin conditions, like eczema
-Nasal congestion
-Canker sores or fever blisters
-Colitis and other gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea
-Shortness of breath
-Fever, fatigue, weakness and nausea
-Low blood pressure
-Hay fever

Some food products usually contain soy, or are manufactured on machines that may have soy residue on them. The way that the soybean is grown, harvested, processed, stored and prepared in the kitchen can all affect its allergencity. Hidden soy exists in thousands of everyday foods, cosmetics and industrial products such as inks, cardboard, paints, cars, and mattresses.

The majority of children with food allergies such as milk and egg are outgrown by the fifth birthday. However, peanut, tree nut, fish and shellfish tend to be life-long. These foods are also commonly associated with more severe allergic reactions.

Sinus Versus Allergies - Are All Colds Allergies Or Sinus Infection?

Many a times the person suffering from a cold and running nose need not be suffering from sinus infection but it could also be due to allergies. At times, it can be very hard to detect if sinusitis is due to allergy or an infection.

In allergies there is a clear nasal discharge accompanied with sneezing. There will itchy sensation on the nose, dry cough, and watery eyes. Rubbing the itchy nose many a times with hand leaves a mark known as the "allergic salute". Sometimes dark circles under the eye are also common symptoms that point to the fact that it is an allergy. If the cold come around the same time every year then it is more likely an allergy. Many a time the status of the cold changes with a change in environment, it can become better or worse, like moving in from out, change of place, home or work place etc. It has been seen that chronic infection does not cause fever but an inflammation from allergy can cause fever. If one or more courses of antibiotics do not treat the predicament, then allergy is much more likely. Coexisting with people, having asthma or eczema, one will likely get the allergy. As long as the trigger is present in the environment, the allergic reaction will continue. People with allergies have hypersensitive mast cells that sound the alert in response to relatively harmless particles such as pollen and dust.

The inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining the sinuses is called Sinusitis. Generally, sinuses are packed with air, but when sinuses are blocked and crammed with fluid; germs like bacteria, viruses, and fungi can breed and result in an infection. A sinus infection always begins with a cold and last for more than 10 to 14 days. Sometimes the person can suffer from fever, facial pain, or facial swellings. In sinus infection, the mucus discharge is much thicker and darker in color. Sinus can be due the common cold, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, or a deviated septum, which is actually a change in the nasal cavity.


5 Tips to Get a Good Nights Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things someone does during the day.

Here are 5 tips to get a good nights sleep.

1) Sleep at night. Try to sleep at night in the dark. That's how you were meant to sleep.

It might sound simple, but you'd be surprised at how many people try to fight this fact. The fact that since we migrated out of the wild of Africa, humans still sleep better at night then the day.

If you are trying to stay awake at night, then you are fighting your nature and biological clock. It's an uphill battle and you will loose.

2) Get a blindfold. You don't know the many people who think I look ridiculous with a blindfold. But it really helps.

I find that even if I don't sleep just having a blindfold on, blocking out 100% of the light, makes me feel refreshed afterwards.

Every person that have tried a blindfold, has always enjoyed it, and end up purchasing one.

3) Sleep and wake up at the same time everyday. Waking up at the same time is most important.

This way you train your biological clock to start and stop at the correct time. The biological clock your body's internal clock that sends signals to your brain when it's time to go to sleep.

This sends melatonin throughout your body making you feel tired. It's important to get enough sun-light to keep your melatonin level in check.

4) Eat light at night. During the night time is not for you to binge eat, and chow down. Keep your meals light at night so your body can relax while trying to sleep.

5) Have a single place just to sleep and nothing else. That means don't work in bed, or read in bed, or use your laptop in bed.

You bed is for one purpose only, and that is a resting place to sleep It's a place for you to relax. The impact of only using your bed for sleep will make it easier for you to associate bedtime with sleep time.

Factors That Contribute to Snoring

Snoring is a condition that is caused by irregular positioning of the neck during sleeping such that the path through which the air we breathe passes is blocked and there is production of some unpleasant sound that is produced from the back of the throat.

This condition is not good sign as far as your health is concerned, it could show some sort of unhealthy lifestyle. It is crucial that you have yourself checked out by a doctor if you are a heavy snorer. It is curable through many different ways but the first step in curing it is to understand the many different factors that cause it. Snoring is associated with enlarged tonsils, blocked nostrils, narrowed airways and friction between the tongue and the uvula due to the collapse of the tongue muscles during sleep.

Snoring in Oklahoma is curable through aroma therapy. This way, the muscles get more relaxed and as such, a person is able to breathe more freely without blocking the air. snoring in Oklahoma is mostly claimed to be caused by the enlargement of tonsils and this can be cured by the removal of the tonsils through a process called UPPP or ulopalatophary ndoplasty in full. This is a kind of a small surgery that does not need to be painful or expensive.

Snoring in Oklahoma can also be attribute to obesity, viral infections, smoking and most commonly, improper positioning of the neck during sleep. This 'noise making' may not be viewed as a serious problem by the snorer since they may not even know that they snore, but it can be quite a distraction to the non--snoring party.

Unique Ways to Stop Male Hair Loss Naturally

For you guys out there suffering with hair loss, there are some unique ways to curb this problem so that you can look your very best. It's a tough ordeal tackling hair loss. Many guys lose their hair around their mid 20s, while some start to see the devastating effects as early as their teen years. One of the most common types of hair loss that most males experience is that of the receding hairline.

You will find that while there are some products on the market that help with hair loss in the crown regions, very few will ever work for the hairline. Is this to say that this type of hair loss can be fixed?

Not at all. In fact almost all types in both males and females can be easily solved in some ways you may have never thought possible.

Take as an example the herb green tea. You probably drink it from time to time as a great source of antioxidant. Did you know that this can help block the hormone DHT from forming in your body and shrinking your hair follicle cells?

Scientists have found that one of the major causes for male pattern baldness is linked to this hormone. It forms from a depletion of testosterone in the body and when it's produced in high amounts, it leads to significant hair loss.

What a lot of folks don't realize too is that blood circulation is important to the growth of your hair. Without sufficient blood flow in the scalp, you are sure to lose more and more hair by the days.

How to Stop Hair Loss Using Quick Methods

There are a few quick methods you can use to stop hair loss that will yield some great results. So many people are unaware of the many techniques that are all 100% natural, and yet produce some very fast results.

Have you ever purchased a hair loss treatment product only to find out that it didn't perform like you expected it to? We all have at some point or another. The good news is that you don't have to rely on these things to help you stop hair loss and see more hair.

One of the first things you need to do in order to stop hair loss is fight off some of it's major causes. One of them is blood circulation. You need blood circulation in great supplies in the scalp area in order for your follicles to produce more hair.

The reason this is needed is because without the necessary nutrients from your blood, your hair just won't grow. How can you stimulate more blood flow? You can perform scalp massage using such oils as jojoba and coconut oil for 15 minutes daily.

You can also start taking the herb ginkgo biloba as a way to increase circulation not only in your scalp, but throughout your entire body.

Besides having a great supply of blood flowing in the scalp, you need to have a good diet. There are certain nutrients that are very important to the growth of your hair. Some of these include magnesium, zinc, iron, biotin, and even green tea.

So now that you have been educated on a few of the things needed for quick hair growth, it's up to you go out and make changes happen. Get even more of what you need now by downloading your free e-book here: Unique Guide to Hair Loss.

Changes You Can Make to Regrow Your Hair Fast

If you've been searching for a way to regrow your hair fast, then you need to think about using natural methods. Now I know a lot of people think that they are far too ineffective as compared to some of the more popular treatments on the market.

This isn't necessarily the case, as many of the more expensive and popular treatments often produce side effects and possibly even do more damage to you. So what would you rather do, spend more money or find a way that works for less?

One of the most important changes you can make that will allow you to regrow your hair fast is stop using commercial shampoo products. What do I mean by that? Of course you have to shampoo your hair since it's part of good hygiene, but you must be careful in your selection.

Over 90% of commercial shampoo contain a degreasing agent called Sodium Laureth Sulfate. It's great for removing oils and dirt from the hair and scalp, but it's a secret hair-killer. With continued use over time it will literally rip your hair apart.

A great way to combat this is to use only all-natural hair care products. Go for those containing aloe vera, green tea, and even trea tree oil as examples.

There are a lot of lies being told about what causes you to lose your hair. Some say that it's a totally genetic thing, which isn't totally true in itself. There are other causes that you need to be aware of that can help you keep your hair and grow more of it.

The Causes of Hair Loss Are Extensive

While male pattern baldness might be the best-known of the causes of hair loss, this condition is far from being the only one. The reality is hair loss can be blamed on a host of different things, many of which are preventable and/or treatable.

When the exact causes of hair loss are known, taking the right steps to possibly remedy the situation can be much more feasible. Some of the more notable causes of thinning and balding include:

•Hormonal - Male hormones that are produced in an overabundance in both men and women can cause stereotypical pattern baldness. While the appearance may differ in women, the root cause tends to be the same.

•Diet - Dietary issues can be to blame for hair loss in both men and women. When the body isn't well nourished, hair growth can be hampered or impeded all together.

•Stress - Major traumatic events and even built up stress over time can have an impact on hair retention and growth. Reducing stress or getting through trauma can assist in hair regrowth.

•Illness - Certain illnesses, such as anemia, can be pegged as the causes of hair loss in some people.

•Medications - There are a variety of medications that can contribute to or cause outright hair loss. Chemotherapy for cancer patients, for example, can lead to total body hair loss in a very short amount of time.

•Hairstyles - When their hair is pulled tight on a repetitive basis, hair loss can result. Women who wear tight pony tails often suffer from some magnitude of hair loss.

The causes of hair loss go well beyond hereditary male pattern conditions. When the exact cause is known, a cure or treatment can often be found. From herbal remedies to changes in lifestyle and habits, the options for growing hair again are not limited to medications and surgical replacement.

Diabetes Symptoms and Dietary Guidelines

As per Ayurveda, the features of diabetes (madhumeha) are the sweetness of urine, weakness, boils, gangrene and drowsiness. Diabetes is a very common disease that can not be completely cured but can be managed (controlled) if proper care is taken. There are mainly two types of diabetes - type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes (Insulin dependent or Juvenile diabetes) - The symptoms of type 1 diabetes occur suddenly. The major symptoms of insulin dependent diabetes are excessive thirst; frequent urination; sudden weight loss, for no apparent reason; weakness, drowsiness or exhaustion; sudden vision changes or blurred vision; nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes (Non-insulin dependent or Adult-onset diabetes) - The symptoms of type 2 diabetes occur gradually. The major symptoms of non-insulin dependent diabetes are any of the symptoms listed for type 1; tingling or numbness in hands or feet; itching of the skin and genitals; recurring of hard-to-heal skin, gum or urinary tract infections.

Risk factors for Diabetes

People at high risk include the following -

1. Heredity factors - Diabetes appears to have an inherited genetic tendency.
2. People over forty years - Type 2 diabetes is most common in middle and old age.
3. Overweight - The chance of developing type 2 diabetes doubles with every 20% excess weight. It is believed that excess body fat prevents insulin from working properly.

Dietary Guidelines for Diabetes

1. Sour fruits like tomatoes, jamun, oranges, pineapple and makoy are beneficial.
2. Curd made from cow's milk is highly recommended in diabetes.
3. Do not take cereals, sugar and sugar preparations.
4. Take diet with a relatively low proportion of carbohydrates.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Here is an excellent Diabetes supplement that will help you to control blood sugar level. Read information on How to control diabetes to live longer and better.

Diabetes - A World Epidemic

Diabetes is becoming an epidemic! There is a huge increase in the number of people being diagnosed with diabetes on a world level, and this is not good news! The International Diabetes Federation shows that this disease affects more than 246 million people all over the world and almost 50% of those diagnosed with the disease are between the ages of forty to sixty. Until now, studies have greatly underestimated the problem. Based on these studies it is estimated that 380 million people will be affected in the next twenty years.

Type 2 diabetes now affects almost 6% of the world's population, and almost 80% of the total 6% happening in developing countries. The countries with the largest number of population affected by type 2 diabetes are in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East, and then North America.
India is the leading nation with the highest number of people affected by diabetes type II. They estimate that there are over 40 million people affected with the disease. China follows with 39.8 million people and then comes the United States, Russia, Germany and others.

The disease has been gestating in the world population for fifty years, but now it is becoming even more widespread. People in the medical field have been warning everyone about the problem, but most of society has not been listening. In fact, most world governments have been ignoring the problem.

Today it is being felt most in India, the Middle East, China and the United States. Something has to be done and done quickly! Unfortunately there is not a miracle pill that can solve the problem. This is an issue that has to be looked into, because a lot of what causes diabetes is nutritional based.

We have known about the increase in Diabetes for 50 years, but haven't really done anything about this terrible disease.The cause is varied and has to do with environment, and social behaviours, alterations in lifestyle and in diet and physical activity are known causers of the disease.

In developing nation it seems to be more prevalent among poor communities. This is because families within these economic levels tend to buy more packaged drinks and low cost foods.

Don't be fooled! Diabetes is a deadly disease, and almost 3.8 million people die from its causes every year. This sheer quantity of deaths is the same as those that die from HIV/AIDS per year. It used to be that the disease was only attributed to the elderly, but now it affects middle aged people too, especially in developing nations. Diabetes is a world killer and accounts for loss of life and suffering by many, yet not very much is being done about it.

Acne Control - What Are the Four Myths and Misconceptions?

Some have heard the advice that in order to get acne control, you should get a tan. Others have religiously avoided chocolate and any foods with even a hint of fat or oil in order to get over the symptoms of acne. Another common myth heard by adolescents or adults who suffer from acne is to avoid make up and don't shave. Finally, any people who have ever had the symptoms of acne have probably picked at or squeezed the pimples, zits or lesions. The contemporary thinking may be very different from previous generations about the causes and effects of acne and acne treatment.

Get a tan

There is absolutely no proof that baking yourself in the sun will help you in your quest for acne control. Because spending time in the sun can cause your skin to darken, the redness of acne may not be as obvious when you have a tan, but as soon as the tan begins to fade, you will be able to see the redness or pimples again. Tanning may actually cause damage to your skin due to the harmful rays of the sun on irritated, damaged or sensitive skin. If you enjoy the sun, be sure to use adequate protection to prevent painful sunburn and the potential for skin cancer later in life.

Squeeze Pimples

There are few people who suffer from acne who have not been warned to never squeeze pimples, zits or blackheads. However, it is highly unlikely that most people have the willpower to actually avoid squeezing these ugly breakouts. Contrary to belief, squeezing a pimple does not clean it out so that it will heal faster. Squeezing actually can drive bacteria further under the skin, causing redness, pain, and even a nasty discussion. If you want the best form of acne control, don't put your hands or fingers on your face, especially not to squeeze the lesions.

Avoid Chocolate and Fats

Avoiding fried foods and saying no thanks to chocolate does not provide you with effective acne control. Does this mean that you can partake of a diet of candy bars and French fries? Definitely not. Neither does it mean that you can make a steady diet of these popular fast food items that are so tempting especially for teenagers. Good nutrition and plenty of water helps improve your health and circulation.

Avoid Make Up and Shaving

Another myth that is commonly seen in acne control circles is the instruction to avoid using make up on acne ravaged skin because it will worsen the symptoms of acne. The belief that make up will clog the pores is not too hard to understand since proponents of this view could see the blackheads that appear to be dirty. In fact, blackheads are not dirt at all but changes in the color of pigmentation because of the oil deposits from the glands at the base of the hair follicle. Banning shaving is advice given to many acne sufferers, but there is no evidence that shaving or not shaving has an impact on the acne symptoms.


Eye Care

During a recent visit to an optician, one of my friends was told
of an exercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor that he
termed as 20-20-20.' It is apt for all of us, who spend long
hours at our desks, looking at the computer screen.

I Thought I'd share it with you. 20-20-20

Step I :-

After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn
your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet
away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for
the tired eyes.

Step II :-

Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III :-

Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every
20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood
circulation for the entire body.

Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their
eyes. They say that your eyes are mirror of your soul, so do take
care of them, they are priceless... ...

Health Tips